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Association Loi 1901

Publication au Journal Officiel sous la référence 964 en date du 28 Juillet 2001

  Welcome  46 ter rue Sainte Catherine F-45000 Orléans

The goal of the Association is to allow the largest number of people to know or rediscover the Old Alliance between France and Scotland, to keep alive and develop friendship links between the two nations through cultural, eductional and historical actions.


The history of the Old Alliance is unique in the history of nations because there is no equivalence in terms of duration and intensity...                                »More...

With a legacy of political, military, economic and cultural amity stretching back over 700 years, to the original Auld Alliance treaty of 1295  the interconnections between France's and Scotland's history are many and colourful. .

A special affection for France is still widespread in Scotland, whilst at the same time there are many signs of an exceptional French response to things Scottish. Nowadays the cultural association has more enduring results than the diplomatic and military even if there is a very real sense in which the Auld Alliance flourishes still. .

Join us to keep this tremendous link alive by attending historical celebrations and cultural activities in France and Scotland...


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From the Auld Alliance to your Association Auld Alliance - le lien Franco-Ecossais ...

"The Auld Alliance has not been written on a ewe skin parchment, but engraved on human skin, traced not in ink but in blood ..." -
"'In every combat where for five centuries the destiny of France was at stake, there were always men of Scotland to fight side by side with men of France...'

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